Tag Archive: News

Kitchen Helper Released

The first Android App I’ve released is titled Kitchen Helper.  It contains a couple tools and lists that I found myself needing to look up when I was cooking.  It has conversion tools for dry and liquid ingredients, a listing of common substitutions and heirloom weights and temperature settings to help with those old family recipes.  It also has a simple timer in it to help if you don’t have a timer on the oven your using or happen to be in the woods cooking over a fire.  I’ll try to get some more features and bug fixes out.  Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments and I’d be glad to incorporate them if I can.


QR Code for Kitchen Helper in Android Market

QR Code for Kitchen Helper in Android Market

Android robot logo.

Image via Wikipedia

Hello everyone and thanks for checking out my site.  As you can see I’m just now getting it up and running as my main focus was getting out my first App for Android phones.  Now that that’s out in its first version I will work here and try to get some useful information and news up for you as well as continue to improve the first app and come up with ideas for future ones.